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Final Visit

This was my final visit with Julie, John, and Jessica. (Names have been changed to protect privacy.) Julie is doing great and is a totally different person than when we first met. She’s confident, talkative, happy, more outward focused, and content. It has been a blessing to get to k now her, and we plan to stay in touch.

She brought me the sweetest sign as a thank you gift that has the 1 Thessalonians 5:17 verse on it. She was already a Christian when we started the program, and, while she wasn’t one to talk a lot about her faith, we did touch on it several times, especially in the beginning when she was struggling mentally with depression. I feel good about her spiritual growth and even saw her Bible in her car when I was putting diapers in her trunk.

We had a wonderful visit, and I have really enjoyed being a part of this program!
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