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Something Different

It had been 8 years since Tiffany had had her son when she found out she was pregnant again. As a single mom, she knew she would face challenges. “When I had my first child, I didn’t have help or anyone to turn to to talk about problems and struggles. I went to Life Choices, and they told me about One by One. I knew I would have challenges, and I wanted something different this time. One by One has been great.”

When Tiffany was eight months pregnant, One by One matched her with Amy. Tiffany says, “My mentor helped me tremendously. She’s been there when I needed someone to talk to, to assure me that I’m bigger than those obstacles – that I could make it with God’s help.”
Amy says the Bible verses in each One by One lesson led to discussions about how God is with us when we’re struggling and how nothing is a surprise to Him. “We had those conversations a lot.”

Tiffany’s baby is now two. Tiffany and Amy recently completed One by One’s year two program, and their relationship has moved from mentor/mentee to good friends. Amy wants Tiffany to see what a great mom she is. “It’s obvious she loves her kids so much. She’s gone back to school and has a new job. She’s doing all in her power to provide for her kids.”
Tiffany says, “I want my children to know they can achieve anything they want. I want them to know I can meet challenges, finish school, get a steady job so they won’t have to struggle. My favorite thing about being a mom is seeing the joy and happiness in their eyes and that they know they can come to me for anything.”

Tiffany adds, “My mentor is just wonderful. She’s helped me get through hard times I thought I wouldn’t be able to. Without her I wouldn’t know what to do. She’s there anytime I need her and willing to answer any question I have.”

Her advice to single moms: “Life is a struggle, but don’t quit. Single moms and overwhelmed and scared, but you’re not alone. One by One is there – it’s a Godsend.”
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