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How to Connect with God as a Busy Mom

When you’re a mother, it seems that your work is never truly done. There’s always something that needs tending to: completing tasks around the house, taking care of your family, or just finding time to take a shower. 
Sometimes making time to spend with the Lord can seem difficult. Perhaps even when you are spending time with the Father, you find yourself thinking, I really don’t have time for this…I have so much to do. Just like any relationship, our relationship with Him won’t grow without intentionality. It can be challenging to focus on Him when your attention is pulled in so many directions, but truthfully, the time we spend with the Lord is the most important time of the day.
We want every mom to enjoy and to make the most of her time spent with the Lord, so here are some helpful tips for how, as a busy mom, you can connect daily with God:

1.     Make a Plan
When you wake up in the morning, you immediately start planning your day. You think about what needs to be done first, and, as a mother, it’s so easy to get sidetracked. Between kids, jobs, work, and school, it’s no wonder you feel like you need a personal assistant.

The best way to ensure that you don’t skip having intentional time with the Lord is by making a plan. Whether you plan to read a morning, afternoon, or nighttime devotional; study your Bible for a few minutes; or carve out prayer times throughout the day, make a plan and try to stick to it.

Planning might be hard at first, but it will get you in a routine to stay rooted in Him.

2. Give Yourself Reminders 
Perhaps you’ve never considered setting reminders on your phone or writing yourself notes to spend time with God, but, trust us, it works!

Write a note or a verse on your bathroom mirror. Stick a note on the milk carton. Set a timer on your phone to remind yourself to meet Him in prayer or to do your Bible study.

3. Meet Him in the Mundane 
 While it’s important to set aside intentional, undistracted time for the Lord, there are no rules for when you can and can’t pray to or focus on Him.

So meet Him in the mundane. He’s not just with you while you’re journaling or reading the Bible; He’s with you while you’re folding laundry and fixing lunch for your kids. He’s with you while you’re washing dishes and making your morning commute.

No matter what you’re doing, meet Him there. Talk to Him while you go throughout your day. Ask Him to teach you through the little things. You’ll be amazed at the ways He shows up.

4. Make Him a Priority 
Because we can’t see the Lord, we often have a case of “out-of-sight, out-of-mind” syndrome. Sometimes we fail to see the value in spending time with Him, but we miss out on so much when we put other priorities before Him.

When something is important to us, we make it a priority. Your relationship with Him is everything. Guard it. Protect it. Don’t let the enemy convince you that you’re too busy for Him.
We’re told in Proverbs: “Guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it” (4:23).
Why is it so essential to guard our hearts? Because the condition of our hearts determines everything, we do. Our hearts define how we love, how we show grace, how we speak, how we forgive. Our actions are the overflow of what’s in us, so we must be careful how we fill our hearts.
That’s why it is vital to fill them with the presence of God and His living Word.
Jesus said, “I am the bread of life” (John 6:35). He is the source of our spiritual nutrients and the only one who can satisfy us. We often forget that we need spiritual nourishment just like we need physical nourishment. 

Don’t starve your spirit.
Decide every morning that you will meet with Him, and, before you know it, you’ll see the evidence of His presence in your life and in the lives around you.
Your kids will be surrounded by His presence because your heart will pour out the things of God, and, as your kids grow, they can learn from your example. There’s nothing better than falling in love with God daily and then watching your children fall in love with Him.
So, dear friend, have you eaten today?
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Here at One by One Ministries, our goal is to foster relationships deeply rooted in the Lord. We believe that we grow better when we grow together. That’s why we provide mentorship programs that help mothers connect better to the Lord, their children, and each other.

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