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A Hard Day

We often see God’s hand in our matches, and we know He put this mom and mentor together.
Mary* heard about us from an insurance agency. We did not have a mentor in her town, and she did not have transportation to travel. To complicate matters, Mary was living in transitional housing. Jessica*, a mentor several miles away, said she would be willing to make the drive. The two began meeting right before Mary’s daughter was born.

Jessica began teaching Mary to be a good mom and to deal with struggles and issues in her life. Jessica shared how she turned to God for help when she was troubled and shared her testimony with Mary, but Mary was not yet willing to surrender her life to God. Jessica prayed – and kept meeting faithfully. Mary eventually told Jessica she was ready to follow God but didn’t know how. Jessica led Mary in prayer to accept Jesus and has been teaching her how to live out her faith. Jessica says Mary has been “digging into the Word” and learning to trust God in her situation. She recently texted Jessica a picture of her open Bible with the caption “I’m really having a hard day.”

Jessica is having such an impact on Mary’s life. Mary recently said, “I used to think if I gave my kids a meal and clothed them that I was being a good mom. Now I know it’s so much more than that.” We’re thankful for Jessica and her commitment to support and witness to Mary and for Mary’s willingness to listen to Jessica!

*Names have been changed to protect privacy.
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