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Postpartum Nutrition - What to Eat After Pregnancy and How to Maintain a Healthy Diet

New moms are often unsure of what foods they should be eating after having a baby to ensure their bodies are getting all the needed nutrition they need.
It’s important for new moms to know how to eat well so their bodies can recover from pregnancy and so that they can keep up with their little ones! 
Here’s a guide for postpartum nutrition that includes examples of foods to eat after pregnancy as well as nutrition facts for having a healthy, balanced diet. 

Eating After Pregnancy 
It’s easy for women who have recently given birth to be antsy for all the foods and drinks they couldn’t have during pregnancy. But, it’s also common for women to want to lose their excess baby weight as soon as possible. 
As a new mom, you should recognize that pregnancy takes a toll on your body, so you should nourish and take care of your body as you recover.   
Don’t be too quick to eat and drink foods or and beverages that have little nutritional value and as they might make you feel sluggish. Also, don’t be overly so eager to lose baby-weight that you sacrifice eating balanced, nutritional meals. Eating too few calories can decrease your energy level and mood – and could even be dangerous for your baby if you’re breastfeeding.
Eating a nutrient-rich diet can help you heal, keep your energy, and lose your baby weight. 
It is important, though, to talk with your doctor about your diet. If you’re breastfeeding, you’ll need an extra 300-500 calories each day. And if you have a medical condition, your doctor can help you determine any special nutritional needs. Your doctor will help you figure out the nutrition plan that’s best for you. If you don’t have any restrictions or special needs, then in general you’ll want to choose foods that are rich in:
·      Protein 
·      Fiber
·      Certain Healthy fats 
·      Vitamins and minerals
Why is Postpartum Nutrition Necessary?
Because your body has been through such extensive changes, and since your body was responsible for keeping a baby alive, it’s tired. It’s been through 9 months of eating for two, so it needs some tender loving care. 
Some benefits of practicing good postpartum nutrition are:
1.     Healthy Milk Production 
If you’re breastfeeding, it’s even more important to adopt good nutrition habits so that your milk is of good quality. Everything you consume affects your milk, and, by keeping a healthy diet, you ensure that your baby receives good nutrition as well.
2.     Increased Recovery
It takes a while for you to feel normal after having a baby. From hormones to your energy levels, having a baby affects it all. What you put in your body can either help or hinder your recovery process. The right diet will give your body the nutrition it needs to heal itself and provide you with energy and regular hormone levels.  
3.     Decreased Risk of Postpartum Depression
There is evidence that eating a healthy diet can decrease the risk of developing postpartum depression. A nutritious diet can increase your energy level as well as your overall wellbeing.
4.     Losing Baby Weight
Having a healthy diet will help you lose your extra baby weight while keeping you healthy.
What are the Best Postpartum Foods?
As we mentioned, your doctor can speak to specific nutritional needs you may have. But, in general, these Here are some of the best foods to eat after pregnancy:

·      Fruits and vegetables – Fruits and veggies are whole foods and are great sources of carbohydrates. Try fruits such as berries, apples, bananas, mangos, and citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruits. For veggies, choose leafy greens, avocados, peppers, carrots, broccoli, kale, celery, and tomatoes. 
·      Lean meat ­– Try meats with low-fat protein. If you choose fish, go with options with a low mercury content like salmon, cod, shrimp, tilapia, and trout. Chicken is also a good choice of meat. And your doctor may suggest you add red meat to your diet as a good source of iron.
·      Nuts – Almonds, cashews, and walnuts are rich in iron, protein, and vitamins. 
·      Whole grains – Oats, oatmeal, whole wheat bread, and brown rice. 
·      Yogurt – Source of calcium, vitamins, and probiotics. 
·      Eggs – Loaded with vitamins
·      Milk – Low-fat or fat-free
These foods are sources of natural nutrients full of vitamins, minerals, and fiber that are great for keeping your body nourished, especially while nursing. 

What About Beverages?
The best thing to drink is water. Lots and lots of water. 
Experts say new moms should drink about 3 liters 96 ounces of water daily. Staying hydrated is very important for anyone everyone, but it’s very especially needed for those moms who are breastfeeding. 
You can also eat fruits and vegetables such as cucumber, tomatoes, watermelon, peaches, etc., that are high in water content to help meet your water needs.
You can drink other beverages such as milk, juice, lemonade, etc. But many experts recommend limiting consumption of coffee, caffeinated tea, and carbonated drinks. Try to drink more water than any other drink. 
Connect With Us 
We hope that this postpartum nutrition guide has given you more insight on what to eat after pregnancy and how to have a balanced diet. 
Here at One by One Ministries, we love to provide advice and useful information for women about motherhood.  Did you know that we also offer mentorship programs and community for mothers?
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