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Our 3 Tips for Moms with Newborns

Motherhood is a beautiful thing…right? We know that being a mom is not all butterflies and sunshine, and some days, you might be so exhausted that you nearly fall asleep sitting at the table. Taking care of a little one is tough. Moms are the heavyweight champions of the world.
The newborn stages are some of the most tiresome, and if you’re a first-time mommy with a newborn, you might be wondering if you’ll ever sleep again. Don’t worry—it won’t always be like that!

We know that getting into a steady groove can be incredibly difficult during the first few months after having a baby. Your whole life has been turned upside-down, and every routine you once had has probably been thrown out the window. Coming home with a baby is one of the most challenging adjustments to make, so we’ve gathered three practical tips to provide some encouragement for all the newborn mommies out there. Let’s walk through them together.
1.     Ask for Help  

Navigating motherhood is hard, but it can feel nearly impossible when you’re trying to do it on your own. You need key people in your corner for support and company. You might have feelings where you long for your old life or even feelings of resentment because you miss your life before motherhood. It’s okay. Making major adjustments like becoming a mom can take a toll.

Post-partum depression is very common for new mothers, and it sometimes takes a while for the blues to wear off. Having community and a good support system can make a world of difference if you’re struggling with these feelings. Talk with a friend or a family member about how you’re feeling, and never be afraid to ask for help. You may need to seek medical help to you get through some of the things going on with your mind and body, and that is okay. Keeping close connections with people you trust is so important for your health and well-being as you step into this new season.

2.     Get Some Sleep!
Newborns sleep a lot. The problem is that they don’t sleep very long. Your sleep schedule gets thrown all out of whack with a newborn, and many first-time moms underestimate the necessity of sleep. At first, you might be off an hour or two on your sleep schedule, and then a few hours…and then a day or two. Before you know it, you’ve gotten 4 hours of sleep in 4 days, and you’re falling asleep in your Cheerios that you’re having for dinner because you don’t have time to cook these days.  

So, what can you do to help both you and your baby sleep better? The trick is in helping your baby settle down before you put them down for a nap. A general rule of thumb is to “trick” them into thinking they are in the womb again. Try swaddling your baby, always supporting their neck and head, and either bounce or swing them in small, quick motions to mimic the jiggling of the womb. Babies also like to be “curled,” often on their side or over your shoulder. This can help calm them before you lay them down for a nap. And then, once you put them down, get as much sleep as you can while your little one is asleep. Never undervalue your rest! It can do wonders for you.
3.     Be Present

It’s no secret that the newborn stage goes by quickly. It happens in the blink of an eye. Getting caught up in preparing for your baby’s future is easy to do. You might already be trying to get your ducks in a row for their next phase of life, planning an ever-growing list of to-dos.
But don’t forget to slow down.


Take time to watch your little one sleep. Watch your little boy examine his hands and focus on his fingers like they’re a puzzle. See how your little girl finds it funny when you drop her bottle on the floor and how your hair is suddenly the most interesting thing she’s ever seen—and she’s just got to tug on it.
Don’t get so caught up in the prep-work and the to-do lists for being the perfect, put-together-mom that you miss the miracle in front of you.

Savor the moments. Soak them up, and never pass them by.
Finding Your Community

Every mother needs people she can trust. Here at One by One Ministries, we want every mother to know that she has a community of women who care about her and who are here to provide advice, encouragement, and friendship.
We want to give you useful tips for motherhood and help you grow deep roots in the Lord, and we believe that being grounded in community is the best way to grow.

If you’re wondering how you can be a part of our community here at One by One Ministries, you can connect with us here. We can’t wait to meet you!

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