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De-stress before Christmas

Christmas is just days away. Are you ready for it to be here or ready for it to be over?!

Although Christmas can be the most wonderful time of the year, it can also be one of the most stressful. There are work parties, school parties, church parties, family events, friend events, cooking, shopping, baking, wrapping, church plays, pictures with Santa, travel plans, outings to see live nativity scenes and neighborhood lights, and – of course! – that pesky elf on the shelf! We’re exhausted just thinking about it all!

But there is hope. Keep reading for 10 easy ways to de-stress this holiday season so you can enjoy time with your family and – most importantly – focus on the birth of our Lord. And isn’t that what it’s all about?

1. Take time for yourself. Exercise (outdoors if you can). Exercise will help to calm you, give you more energy, and – bonus! - burn off the calories from extra holiday treats. If exercise is a hard no for you, grab coffee with a friend – or by yourself. A little quiet time can do wonders.

2. Participate only in necessary activities. You may have to participate in work parties and school events, but become ok with saying no to “optional” events.

3. Scale back traveling. If you travel at both Thanksgiving and Christmas, consider traveling only for one holiday. If you drive all over town visiting family members, consider having everyone get together at a convenient location for one event.

4. Postpone some get-togethers until January. Once school starts back and the cold, gray days set in, you’ll be looking for something fun to do. So instead of cramming more holiday festivities in this month, have your book club, pickle ball group, or girlfriend group get together in January instead. Host a gift card exchange in place of an ornament exchange!

5. Listen to Christmas music – especially sounds of the season that reflect the meaning of the season. Music can have a calming effect, and listening to religious holiday songs also helps us focus on the birth of our Lord.

6. Shop less. Avoid getting caught up in the trappings of having the “latest” or most popular gift items. Set your budget, and stick to it. Shop early to avoid last minute stress shopping.

7. Manage expectations for your kids. Many people go by the “three gift” rule: “Santa” brings each child three gifts because the Wise Men brought three gifts to Jesus. Other people like the “four gift” rule of something to wear, something you need, something you want, and something to read. Whatever you choose to do, there’s no need to go overboard with toys, especially if they’ll be forgotten or broken in a few months.
8. Cook less. Several traditional holiday recipes can be prepped and refrigerated or even frozen until it’s time to cook them. And there’s no rule that says you can’t purchase casseroles, meats, or desserts from your favorite restaurant or bakery! If you have a signature dish, make it, and purchase accompanying dishes so you have more time to spend with family (and less mess to clean up!).

9. Serve. Helping others is always a great way to reset your frame of mind, and Christmas is a wonderful time to find opportunities to serve. Fun ways to serve with your kids include participating in drives such as Samaritan’s Purse shoeboxes or Toys for Tots; making cookies for your local first responders or senior home residents; serving meals at your local shelter; or serving in some way at your church. Whatever you choose, helping others is always a wonderful way to spend your time.

10. Spend time with the Lord. After all, He is the reason for the season. Spend time in God’s word. Read the story of Jesus’ birth with your children. Attend church services. Spend quite time in prayer. We need to carve time out of the crazy to focus on Jesus’ birth and the salvation He offers all of us.

However you spend your holidays, we hope they’re filled with love, laughter, and the hope found in Jesus! And as you look for ways to serve in the New Year, One by One would love to have you serve with us by mentoring a new mom who is looking for support! Interested? Click here to get more information.
One by One provides mentors to pregnant and new moms looking for support. Mentors provide friendship, support, parenting education, baby development information, and access to resources while sharing the love and hope of Jesus Christ with their moms, supporting them throughout their pregnancies and their children’s early years.
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