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Prayer Warriors Unite

How do you mentor someone whose biggest concern is the safety of herself and her children?

That’s the question that One by One mentor Karen faced when we matched her with Jaclyn. But Karen knew the answer: prayer, and lots of it.

The daughter of a preacher, Jaclyn is a Christian and strong believer. She has faced some rough times in her young life, including involvement with drugs, but she has overcome those issues and turned her life around. She is connected to a church and makes sure her son, who is 12, attends youth group. And she’s teaching him to be a good big brother to her newborn daughter.

The trouble is her children’s father. He’s in jail because of drug and domestic violence issues, and he’s continuing to threaten Jaclyn from behind bars. So Jaclyn reached out to One by One looking for prayer support. We matched her with Karen, a prayer warrior.
Karen says, “Jaclyn is so sweet and is such a good mama. She knows what to do with her baby.”  Karen says they have a really good relationship and text often between visits. Karen reviews our curriculum when she meets with Jaclyn and reminds her she’s doing what she needs to do for her kids. Karen’s prayer partner joined one of their meetings recently so she could meet Jaclyn and learn how best to pray for her as well.

Jaclyn currently lives with her mom who is a bookkeeper. She hopes to train to become a bookkeeper as well and to get a job in the field where she can work from home and keep an eye on her kids.

Jaclyn says she would like to think God has a man for her who will be a good husband and father to her children. Karen says the fact that Jaclyn is a believer makes her job easier. She says it would be harder to explain that God knows what’s going on and knows her future if Jaclyn were not a Christian. But Jaclyn knows this – and she clings to her faith and her mentor as she continues to work for a better life for herself and her kids.
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