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The Value of Friendship in Motherhood

Why do we need friendship? Or better yet, why do we want friendship with others? 
You’ll probably never meet someone who would say that has no desire for friends. Everyone wants to feel close to someone. Everyone wants to feel that she can rely on someone and enjoy life with them her. 
As busy moms, it’s often difficult to think about investing a lot of time into friendships 
because so much of our lives is wrapped up in our motherhood duties. While we need to take care of things at home, we were never meant to leave friendship in the dust. Many times, friendship grows sweeter as we become mothers because we learn to appreciate the intentionality of spending time with a good friend so much more. 
God wants us to have good friends. He loves to set us in community and watch us grow with one another. Perhaps you’ve struggled to find the wholesome, godly friendships you’ve desired, or perhaps you’ve pushed friendship aside because you feel that you have no time to devote to it. 
It’s easy to become isolated as a mother, but we were never meant to do life on our own. There’s so much value in friendship, and there are reasons why we all need that connection with others.

 What is the Purpose of Friendship?
We love the idea of having close friends, but do we know why we need close friends?
There is purpose in friendship. God loves this community—this connection with others. He designed us to want to be in unity with others. Here are a few valuable purposes of having godly friendships:

1.    Encouragement 
Friends are meant to encourage one another. This life is difficult sometimes, and the Lord understands how vital it is to have people in your corner to support and encourage you. 
Of course, this goes both ways. Not only are your friends meant to be a source of encouragement to you, but you are also meant to be a source of encouragement for them. 
Friendship is a two-way street where we not only find comfort in one another, but also where others find comfort in us. 
“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” (1 Thessalonians 5:11)
2.    Accountability
When we are living less than what God has called us to, those who know us the best are the ones who have the authority to call us out. 
That’s right! Your friends do have a certain authority in your life, and you have authority in theirs. Your friends are not the boss of you, but they do have a responsibility to watch out for you and keep you accountable to the things of God. 
We often need to be corrected in life. We get off track. We get caught up in worldly worries, and we need someone to help us see when we’re wavering from the right path. 
A friend does not let you go down a dark path and say nothing. A friend calls you back to the light, even if you don’t want to accept correction at the time. 
But we can accept godly correction from friends because we trust them. We are meant to sharpen one another so that we live up to our full potential in the Lord. 
“Perfume and incense bring joy to the heart, and the pleasantness of a friend springs from their heartfelt advice.”  (Proverbs 27:9)
3.    Spiritual Growth  
You grow from where you’re rooted, so, if you’re not rooted in friendships that are focused on the Lord, it’s more difficult to see valuable growth in your life. 
Have you ever heard the saying, “Show me your friends, and I’ll show you your future?” It’s so true. Those whom you allow to pour into you will affect what your life pours out.  
Do your friends challenge you in your faith?
Do they speak the truth in love?
Do they help nurture your gifts and talents?
Do they deepen your spiritual walk? 
Do they make you hungry for the Lord?
Friendship is about spiritual growth. This is not to say that you can’t be friends with people who are not Christians or with those who are not spiritually mature. But when you have friends who are solid, grounded, and close to God—those are the ones you want speaking life into you regularly. They are your ride-or-die friends. 
“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” (Proverbs 27:17)
Looking for Great Community?
Are you looking for godly friends to help you grow and prosper spiritually? At One by One Ministries, we love seeing women grow together in the Lord, and we believe that friendship has a special place in the heart of God.
That’s why we offer mentorship programs and other opportunities for women who are looking for a place of community. 
Come and join us! Click here to learn more about One by One Ministries and how you can be a part of our community!
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