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Mentor Saves a Life

One by One moms often face extraordinary challenges that can feel overwhelming. From housing insecurity, food insecurity, joblessness, and illness to lack of childcare or transportation needed to hold down a job, our moms often face difficult circumstances. In addition, our moms sometimes feel pressure from their boyfriends or their families to have an abortion. For some moms, abortion starts to feel like the only “way out.”

A 17-year-old with an unplanned pregnancy was initially excited about her pregnancy, but she became so severely ill during her pregnancy that she was hospitalized twice. Her illness was long-lasting and took such a mental and physical toll that she scheduled an appointment to terminate her pregnancy. Fortunately, she told her mentor who then contacted One by One asking for prayer, guidance, and resources. Through the power of prayer, a pregnancy center agreed to provide an additional ultrasound for this mother (pregnancy centers often only provide on free ultrasound for an expecting mom). When this mom saw how her baby was growing, she decided to continue with her pregnancy and canceled her scheduled abortion.

The mom gave birth to a precious baby who is almost one today. Both mom and baby are happy and healthy. The mom says she cannot imagine life without her baby and thanks her mentor often for encouraging her to persevere and for their continued relationship.

We are so thankful to this mom’s mentor whose love and dedication literally saved a child’s life. Now the mentor will be there for this mom as her child grows – helping her learn the ropes of motherhood and providing friendship, support, parent education, and prayer.
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