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Wanting to Spend More Time with the Lord in 2023? We Have Tips to Help You Achieve Your Goal

Who can believe it’s already 2023? And who’s making resolutions this year? Studies show fewer of us are making resolutions – and even fewer are keeping them! Do you feel it’s easier to remember to write 2023 instead of 2022 than it is to keep a resolution? We’re here to help – especially if you have a resolution to spend more time with the Lord this year. 
Whether your goal is to spend more time reading the Bible or to focus more on your prayer life, there are things you can do to set yourself up for success. Check out these 10 tips – and let us know in the comments which ones work for you and any tips you have that we left out!

1.  Make an Appointment: Schedule a time and place on your calendar for your quiet time, and treat this time as you would any other appointment. Morning person? Get up a few minutes early for your devotional time. Easily distracted at home? Find a coffee shop, library, or other location where you can focus on your time with God. Be creative. You can choose to pray, listen to a podcast, or listen to a sermon from your favorite speaker while you are on a daily walk.

2. Use an App: Is your goal to read your Bible in a year? First, be encouraged! Studies show it only takes 12 minutes a day to read the Bible in a year. And know there are apps that can help you make a plan as well as send you reminders and encouragement to help you reach your goal.

3. Pick a Starting Point: If you’re new to reading the Bible, some experts suggest starting with the Gospels. Read through the New Testament then return to the Old which will provide historical context and prophecy that points to Jesus.

4. Change Your Focus: Instead of trying to read a specific number of chapters or for a specific amount of time each day, read what you can absorb each day. Let’s face it – some passages are much more difficult to understand than others. So instead of plowing through to meet an arbitrary number of chapters, read what you can understand. Take notes on what the passage reveals about Jesus. Use a study guide to help you place the passage in context if you need.

5. Join a Small Group or Bible Study: Groups often focus on a specific book of the Bible or a specific season of life (motherhood, for example). Often, groups will use workbooks with additional explanatory material which can help you understand the text better. Additionally, some workbooks include homework, and these assignments are great for encouraging you to get into your Bible each day!
6. Purchase a Devotional: If you are not able to join a group, consider purchasing a devotional. Some devotionals do a great job of explaining passages, putting them into context, and providing practical application tips for your life.

7. Read Bible Stores at Bedtime: If you have younger children, purchase a child’s Bible or book of Bible stories which uses age-appropriate language. Read a passage or story to your children before bed. Then you can read the same passage in your Bible to reinforce the learning and gain more insight.

8. Create a Prayer List: Write down specific items or people you want to pray for. Post your list in a prominent location where you will see it and remember to pray. Update the list as God answers your prayers. You can also use this list to record blessings throughout the year. 

9. Pray Scripture Over Your Family: Pick out a verse each month that you can memorize and pray over your family. This is a great teaching opportunity for your kids as well. They can memorize the scripture and use it when they say their nightly prayers.

10. Share Your Faith: We’re not suggesting you have to knock on doors in your neighborhood, but do look for opportunities in casual conversations to share your faith. See where the  conversation takes you – you may be surprised to see God opening doors for you to share more about Him. Also, consider inviting a friend or neighbor to church. You can even set a mini-goal to talk to a certain number of people each month about your faith or invite one person to church each month.
We all know that in order to achieve our goals, we have to prioritize them. We hope these tips will help you prioritize spending time with the Lord in the new year. 
One by One is a Christian ministry that mentors and educates new moms to parent well. Our vision is that all moms accept God’s love and parent well so children thrive. If you’re interested in joining us as a mentor to a new mom looking for support, click here. If you’re a mom who would like to have a mentor, be sure to click here.
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