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Never Alone

The baby in the pictures above belongs to the One by One mom we are featuring this month! This mom told us that she has such a sweet relationship with her mentor. She initially signed up for a One by One mentor because she did not have a lot of support as a first time mom. Her mentor has been very helpful and supportive since the very beginning. When she had complications through her pregnancy, her mentor was there for her. When meeting her baby for the first time, her mentor was so excited, sweet, and encouraging. It was really helpful for her to have her mentor there by her side to offer support, love and share her excitement about the baby. Even when they are not meeting together in person, her mentor texts her and calls often to check in. Her One by One mentor is very supportive and always prays for her and with her.

Her mentor shared that before joining One by One she was a Family Consumer Science teacher and always had a lot of students who were pregnant. She told us that she had developed a passion to help new moms through that experience. When One by One was presented at her church, she felt God was calling her to join our ministry. Now that she is a stay-at-home mom and is no longer teaching, she knew God was calling her to the opportunity to join One by One as a mentor. Soon after completing her training, her church coordinator called her and told her there was a mom who needed a mentor. After some prayer, this mentor said she felt an "overwhelming conviction to say YES" to pursuing a mentoring relationship with this soon-to-be mom. She quickly reached out to her One by One mom, and since the very first day it has been a great experience. This mentor shared that her One by One mom is very receptive and open to talking about God and growing in her faith. She also said that the support she receives from One by One as a mentor is "awesome!"
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