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Life Link

One by One matched Jennifer and Jaden in 2020 during Covid when Jaden was pregnant with her first child. Jennifer says it was a scary time as they tried to find safe ways to meet in person, but they persevered, and Jaden gave birth to her son Xander. When Xander turned one, instead of exiting the program, Jaden chose to continue with the Year 2 program and the Growing in Christ discipleship study where, Jennifer says, “We worked through tough questions and memorized scripture together.”

Shortly before Xander turned two, Jaden called Jennifer to say she was pregnant again and to ask that they continue their mentorship. Jennifer says, “Jaden and I meet monthly and text in-between. We generally meet up at area restaurants for dinner. I have had the privilege of coming alongside Jaden as part of her support system. It has been a blessing to watch Xander grow and achieve milestones listed in our curriculum. I look forward to being a part of this new little one’s life as well.”

Jaden says, “One by One has been and continues to be a life link for me. Through the fun and amazing church giveaways to once a month sitting with my mentor and just talking and not being judged by how I feel or how I may do things. OBO with my mentor has helped me and continues to do so mentally, spiritually, and physically. But I am more grateful for the mental and spiritual help and guidance, especially during motherhood. It’s a welcoming and grateful feeling when you’re going through something mentally as a mother and your mentor smiles and tells you how it’s normal and yet helps guide you through those entangled emotions and feelings. OBO has truly helped me in every way possible.”

Jennifer recently attended a baby shower for Jaden, who is due any day now! We can’t wait to see this precious baby come into the world and for Jennifer and Jaden to continue their beautiful relationship.
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